Minimalist Bathroom

Top Tips For Designing Your Perfect Minimalist Bathroom

Modern trends tend to ebb and flow and are continuously evolving to match the tastes of the age. If you were to look at interior design concepts from the ’60s, you might cringe and find yourself wondering exactly how much drugs people really took back then.


But while the concept of good taste might change every decade or so, minimalist design has always been a constant. Many minimalists live by Marie Kondo’s concept of “If it doesn’t spark joy, get rid of it”.


If you’re looking to declutter, a good starting point is your bathroom. Today we’re going to look at a few tips on how to design the ideal minimalist bathroom.

Determine What to Throw Away

Throwing everything out that doesn’t spark joy is a sure-fire way to ensure that you throw away things you might need. Let’s be honest; how much joy does your toilet brush spark? We’re going to go out on a limb and say not much. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have one on hand.


So, before you go on a rampage, you should first identify what you need. From there, you can determine what brings you joy, and then look at what’s left. Whatever is left is something you can throw away.


Of course, a lot of people are scared to throw anything out “Just in case I need it.” If you find yourself in this category, we suggest putting everything in a bag and hiding that bag away for a few months. If after 6-months you haven’t needed anything in the bag, then throw it all out.

Hide Away

If you’ve followed the first step, you should now have a clear idea of what you should keep. The next step is to determine how often you need what you’ve put aside.


If it’s something you use once or twice a month, find somewhere out of the way to store it. If it’s something you use daily, like towels or your toothbrush, then keep it in easy reach.


When it comes to decluttering, nothing beats bathroom cabinets. If you already have a cabinet, look at the space inside and how you’re using it. For example, could you add another shelf to your cabinet?


If you have small cabinets or can’t add a shelf to existing cabinets, it might be time to change your cabinets.

Colour is Important

If you pull everything out of your bathroom, and it still looks cluttered, it’s time to look at the colour palette. If you have brown walls, blue cabinets, red floors, white fittings, silver blinds, and an egg-shell door, your eyes will be so busy taking in all the colours that the room will look cluttered, even when empty.


Try to stick to a neutral colour palette. By using a combination of whites and lighter colours, you can make the room feel bigger. Look at the example below, where the homeowner has decided to make use of whites and soft greys.

Minimalist Bathroom

Minimalist vs Sterile

Of course, this doesn’t mean everything should be one tone of pure white. We don’t want to feel like we’re in a hospital after all. So try to add some contrast to the room.

If you’re using a palette combination of “Cloud Nine”, “Chantilly Lace”, and “White Diamond”, then you should use black fittings to offset white and create contrast.

Check out our Rustic Framed Range, like the one below, if you want to add some contrast.

Industrial Touch Amongst Natural Elements | Black-Framed Shower

Keep it Consistent

Try to limit the materials you use. Nothing screams clutter like wooden handles, steel towel rails, plywood cabinets, and stainless steel blinds. If you’re using one material, try to stick with it.


By doing this, your eye can take in everything in one easy shot. Minimalism is all about being easy and clean on the eye.

Ditch the Bath

An easy way to make more space is to ditch your bath. By getting rid of the bath, you will free a lot of space in your bathroom. And considering how water is still a scarcity in South Africa, by ditching the bath, you are helping the environment.

If however, you can’t get rid of your bath, perhaps look at ditching the shower (if you have a stand-alone shower), and build an over the bath shower instead.

over the bath shower

Do You Need Frames?

Another way to declutter is to remove your shower frames. As already mentioned, if you have too many different materials in the bathroom, your eye will be busy looking at everything.


An easy way to reduce how much you have to look at is to remove your shower frame. Now, this is a little more complicated than taking a pair of pliers and ripping everything off. You will need to install a frameless shower like our Reflection Shower Door Range.

Free Consultation

Our consultants will come to your home for a free consultation.

Are you wanting a new shower for your minimalist bathroom? Contact us for a free consultation.

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